I can inspect and provide impartial and professional repair advice in respect of specific building defects. Unlike some building repair contractors, who may be involved in one particular repair methodology or may not fully appreciate the importance of using certain types of repair, I can offer independent advice when diagnosing the cause of defects with your property and recommending appropriate repairs.

Following my initial inspection, I will prepare a report to examine the likely causes of the the defect and whether further diagnostic methods are necessary. I can then consider a range of repair solutions and if required, appraise each repair option to ensure the final repair suits both the building and your particular circumstances. My specialism and experience of working with historic buildings means that I can advise you on appropriate conservation repair methods. For listed properties, while like-for-like, localised repairs are generally exempt from listed building consent, more extensive repairs often require an application to be made to the Local Planning Authority. Where this is the case, I can prepare and submit a listed building consent application on your behalf.

Should you require it, I am then able to assist you undertake the repair works by preparing repair specifications and drawings to send out for pricing to appropriately skilled building contractors. I can also oversee and provide advice while the works are undertaken to ensure that the work is undertaken correctly.


Planning and Listed Buildings


Contract Admin and Site Liaison